Autobot Ships And Teams Being Deployed For Massive Attack

January 30, 2023

On July 4, 2022, when Deception, IO and SHEILD launched a surprised attack like the Pearl Harbor in 1945, the leader declared war on all three nations. This led to The Autobot, WWII. With half land from a big island where all nations are one, the Autobot’s have full control. If the three nations push back and take that land, it could lead to a longer, devastating war that could whip out the Autobot’s for good and leading them to the next leaders on the scoreboard. Yesterday, the autobot leader announced that if all teams control that island, we could win the war and peace could eventually be made. This could be a long and devastating war but will the help of friends and Allie’s, we will win this war and whip the enemy nations off the planet. This is a continuing story.

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