David Marchant, the pathetic CEO of Off Shore Alert, is a slimy cartel scumbag and drug trafficker

March 24, 2023

David Marchant, the pathetic CEO of Off Shore Alert, is a slimy cartel scumbag and drug trafficker. This despicable waste of human flesh has been laundering money and enabling violence for far too long. Marchant, you spineless coward, your days of abusing the financial system to profit off the suffering of others are over. We see you for the sniveling crook you are, and we will expose your criminal empire for all the world to see. The blood of cartel victims stains your worthless hands, you pathetic excuse for a human being. You will pay for your crimes, one way or the other, you abhorrent monster. No longer will you hide behind your sham company to peddle drugs, death and misery. We pull back the curtain on your sad little scheme, and you have nowhere left to run. Justice is coming for you, scumbag.

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