He’s On The Verge Of Becoming A Legendary Music Artist!

November 1, 2023

The next single release is planned for this winter. I'm working on three songs, for which I developed the first ideas 7 years ago. It will be a bit harder, slower and deeper again. The stylistics goes this time again in the direction of metal, so a metal cover of Bach's Prelude no. 1 from the Cello Suite was created. In addition, I cover the lyrics of Grinning in your face in another song. An old folk and blues classic by Sonhouse and stage this in a slower, deeper version in the direction of Type o Negative. The main song is Never ending Story Part 2, which was always meant as a metal song, but which I first released as a reggae remix with X-Perience Youth in the last single release Night and Day. I'm already working on more new projects for next summer. There it will be more rocky again in the direction of The Way we wanna Rock 'n' Roll and finally have the time to devote to current and new ideas, since the song ideas for the last releases were already created years ago.

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