He’s On The Rise!

November 1, 2023

New rising star coming from nothing and creating more than you could imagine through his talent Not Only with his M.C. magic but also the soulful content he creates for a greater good in this world."This Artist has Amazing connection on stage between performers." "Also fluent in sign language creating magic." "Amazing talent all around, as he raps with confidence as well as speak about reality to create a stronger bond with his audience and fans." "One of a Kind stage presence, high energy, great interaction with his fans, as his preformances include magnificent dancing mixed with sign language reason you cant go wrong because you never know what you will expect as he seems to always have a new and original set every time. A great overall performer with passion and fierceness in his music and words." Dee Alkemist has an array of sounds to vibe with from high energy to heart touching words that everyone can relate to in their day to day life. This Artist is much more than his music but trying to make a change in how we think and live our lives in order to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. He makes music for the masses as the words he speaks resonates within all of us for a greater good of loving ourselves to make a better society. The message he is sending out is mainly about liberating our minds and telling us all that anything is possible and nobody can stop us but only we can stop ourselves. "The Spirit of the Greater Good that lies within all of us." Self-made upcoming musician/artist and philosopher. As speaking with him he stated that " I am here to Create a Change in this world through art and thought. As life has been hell that I have created we all can make a change. When we do we can make a positive change around us for the greater good of us all. Because we all deserve Peace, Love, and Happiness. I was Born, Bred, and Fed differntly than most as growing up the steets was where my dwelling was. All about selling drugs and making money in my younger days as that is where I thought power was. But I was heavily mistaken as this led to several addictions. I had heavy moments doing drugs like Ice, Pharmaceuticals, down to doing much harder drugs at a ponit in my life. I quit that a Very Long time ago but just replaced it with in my opinion the real Devil that resides in Spirits (Alcohol) life spun out of control and fell into a alcohol induced seizure/coma that came crashing down on me. Since I have Opened my eyes from that I havent closed them since that is Woke, Woke" as he laughs hysterically. "I swear im like a cat with nine lifes and this is my last one so now i need to make it count as I see Peace and Happiness is in the Mind and it's more Valuable than anything Materialistic. We live in a hard time and era and here come Hell or High Water I will be a front runner to spread tha message that all human experiences are more on how we feel, Not based on real facts as now my demons live behind me. Most people do this for a living, Whereas this is Who I am as l'm living. Because the reality is everyone is waiting to only Rest.In.Peace in hopes to go to a Heaven that we believe in. But if we go or not is none of our business in the moments we are here on earth. Because check this. "How do you not know we are not already in Heaven but just made Hell out of it?" This is an Artist that you must lock in as he takes you through deeper layers of conciousness and is a Word Slayer unlike anyone else. Example Song List Dee has a variety of different styles from real life situational raps, hits that will get you moving around, down to ones that make us self reflect in a Positive way for a change of Peace, Happiness, and Liberating ourselves within the mind and spirit. My Style and message is similar to artist like Tupac, Mac Miller with a dash of Cole and Chance. I speak on our Reality and what's going on around us so we know how to help our spirit within us. Original style not matched to others so I am a must hear as my music has a deeper meaning. Because originality brings a whole new view and perspective that makes a difference in who we are. Instead of hearing the same thing on repeat and people talking about the same old things that are not really all of our reality. As im Pro-People because I've been there so i dont Understand but yet Overstand and we all deserve a change so all of my music is for a purpose and a cause as reality is that we all are broken in some type of way. Lets make a change and put all our pieces together and become a unit against the oppression they press onto us daily. I am creating the ripple effect of creating new ways and thought patterns through art, dance, music, and anything to do with human creativity of expression. Life is a Matrix so dont believe ANYTHING so always dig deeper and see for yourself who you are and DON'T live by who/what other people or situations say you are. You are a gift here to bring your own unique skills to this planet. Not to be capatalized on.

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