He’s Blowing Up Worldwide All Throughout The Music Industry!

February 9, 2024

Jaz Sebastian is an Alt/Rock, Cinematic/Pop singer/songwriter, world builder/story teller from the the wildlands of Australia. Growing up with the beach and bush and a never ending influx of varied creations in music, film and games. Jaz constantly adapts his musical style to suit the story he's telling. His songs are designed to deliver "music with meaning". Jaz is currently working on his debut album "New Visions Of Apocalyptica". All of his planned musical projects are chapters that tie into a massive cinematic universe he began writing around 14 years ago. As well as being involved with many other projects, acting/film work, touring with singing groups, events, solo shows Jaz dealt with chronic health issues and debilitating sickness that heavily effected his voice and breathing for many years after finishing high school, forcing him to shift his career goals from full time live singer and performer to more of a creator role with less emphasis on long live performances. Fighting against fate Jaz has planted a flag in the ground and developed a signature style and sound that will bring this musical chapter/debut album to life in the most epic and exciting way possible. This is what you get when A skinny little musical theatre kid plays too much Fallout 3 and Bioshock in highschool then has David Bowie CDs on replay for two years straight. Convincing himself he's the worlds next creative revolutionary and wasteland messiah, you'll feel empowered, mystified, soothed and moved from his instantly memorable apocalyptic alt/rock earworms. Somehow Jaz combines grit and a rich masculine sound with emotion, vulnerability and control.

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