He’s Taking The Music Industry To The Next Level!
August 21, 2024
Sav Deneiro is one of the special emerging artist in Marietta, Georgia. The versatility between boom bap, and autotuned textures in his music, shows that he is ready for a worldwide view on his life. While releasing “Freestyle Thursdays” in February, the trajectory of his talents with production, became an ultimate upswing in the new direction with the sounds and storytelling that follows it. To double up and show that he was not finished with how God has worked on his life, a follow up to the predecessor project was delivered in the title form “Vol.II” (which was made in 40 days & 40 nights). With lead singles “Reveal Me” & “Marietta’15”, Sav Deneiro has also shown, not only can he make original music in his own tempo, but also show that he can chart singles as well (Apple music, Spotify) with over 22,000 units sold. Now he is back with another album titled “Today is Tomorrow “. Album takes a deeper dive into Deneiro’s spiritual perspective, while dwelling on revealing sins of the Flesh, finding a divine purpose, while still giving roses to the door for his listeners. Sav had only this to say about the new album. “ I wanted to make a concept that everyone can get. I didn’t want to be selfish on my journey at all. I think with “Vol.II” I saw the success stories, and goals with getting past trauma, pain, and self-doubt. I don’t doubt myself anymore when I make music. I pray before I make a beat. I pray before I make a song… so as far as all of those flaws go… I give it to God. Then I started to think even deeper of what goes on spiritually in the world. I noticed that I wasn’t understanding my past , therefore, I couldn’t live in the present, and I would be worried so much about my future that I couldn’t see…while praying for a better tomorrow. Today is Tomorrow! I just kept saying those words over and over again until I created a cover art to match all of the songs on this album. I have some familiar voices is on this album, As well as new friends I have found along the way. Started a new LLC called ‘Lit Since…96’ which houses all of my creative attributes from fashion, cover arts, musical direction, as well as filmography. I created this album in 40 days and 40 nights after reading the story of Noah. I felt like that Noah energy was all over this album. And just like Noah, I felt shunned from people weren’t really resonating with the word God gave him. And I believe God is telling me to release more healing music and universal love to everybody I meet. I wanted to release the cover art before any music is in the universe. I have a few singles that are floating out on SoundCloud right now. That is for the listeners to decide which single should be on the album. I’m learning to let go of being in control all the time. Learning to accept everybody’s opinions and become a champion with the people.” The album is slated for a September release!
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