History Is A Unique One! Getting To Know İcon AJ Ferreira!
September 1, 2024
“I am AJ Ferreira. I am a 27 year old, independent music artist based out of Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA. I have been songwriting since 2010. I write songs in multiple genres of music, including acoustic, rock, blues, alternative pop style, alternative hip-hop style, and electronic music. Each one of my songs tells a piece of my life story. My aim is to encourage and inspire people, and to give people hope to overcome any obstacles that there may be in life. In addition, I aim to spread love and encourage other people to also spread love. My main influences in music range from Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix, to Crewz and The Underachievers, to Linkin Park and Pierce The Veil, and everywhere in between. I listen to any and all kinds of music, and I incorporate all styles into the music I create. My mission is to bring people together through music. My motto is: “My music is my life story; The past does not define the future”. My entire life has been a series of crazy events, strung together by a cord of unfortunate circumstances as well as poor choices. I have survived through traumas no other person may be able to face or handle, and have come out of the other side to share my story of truth and triumph. Battling through and overcoming drug addiction, alcoholism, mental health struggles, and suicidal tendencies, I have come to inspire people and to give them hope to live another day and to fight the good fight; to love one another, and to be kinder to ourselves as well. The only thing that has brought me through to the other side is God’s grace and mercy, and my faith in God. This year in March 2024 I became very sick from sleep deprivation from working an overnight security job, and I ended up leaving to recover. After only 2 weeks, and not even fully recovered, I began working DoorDash, UberEats, and Instacart. I received some opportunities from a man I had known 8 years to work and travel with his business, and unfortunately it did not work out, however driving alone from Connecticut to Florida and back I decided to do a self-proclaimed “Gas Station Tour” for my music, and documented the journey. Upon returning to Connecticut I was faced with a ton of rapid changes that shook up my entire life. Lots of things happened along the way, and damn will I have some stories for my grandkids one day! This is only one part of my story… If you want to know more of my story, be sure to listen to my music - all I want is to unite people through music and tell my story to inspire hope in other people.”
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